Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Accidents and Adventures with Auntie Katine

Josh came back from the states this morning, YAY! Everyone at the house is very excited to see him. But just as soon as he gets in, he and Megan, with Jessica and Esther in tow, have to turn around and go back into PAP to meet the giaganto team that is coming in today. I graciously (sarcasm) offer to stay behind and get Michaelle from school. I need go up the mountain anyway and check on some construction stuff for Megan and Kyle. (Oh and I don't want the black boogers that always follow my trips into town...) We’re about halfway through Kyle’s month long trip back to the states and just wish he would come back already because Megan and I are not exactly…er… construction experts. So they take off and I try to get a little work done. Instead of working however, I go over to the intern house and goof around for half an hour or so before going up the mountain with Wesley. Random side note, I saw a snake slither across the road on the way up, ew.

I check out the construction situation and pick up Micha. Then we start back towards the house flanked by two other boys from the school. Micha runs down the mountain, the boys with her, and I think its cute how they’re playing together. That child is so fast she can outrun the boys. She is SUCH an athlete, we’re marveling about it all the time. Megan wants to start a Respire softball team so Micha can put that incredible arm to use. I, of course, want a basketball team though so she can be the star point guard.

Anyway, we soon catch back up to the kiddos and I can tell this isn’t so much a playful/fun interaction anymore. They shove each other a little bit and I yell at them to stop. The boys keep talking in Creole in a tone I don’t like. But I’m paralyzed to do anything about it because I don’t know what they’re saying. It gives me such a sinking, awful feeling. All I can do is tell Micha I’m sorry that I don’t know how to defend her in Creole, sandwich myself between her and the boys, and just keep walking. We get to the highway and she grabs my hand to cross. I squeeze it tight. When we make it back onto our street, I can tell she’s crestfallen. I try to talk to her about lunch, but her little voice is shakey and sad and I can’t help but pick her up and carry her the rest of the way home because it makes me want to cry. We talk about what just happened and I tell her not to worry. We can go home and get lunch and play or rest or whatever she wants to do. And that’s exactly what we do.

Once home, we lay on the bed and wipe down our faces with some excellent “Say Yes to Cucumbers” wipes that someone left behind. Micha then lets me know that she would like cornflakes for lunch. Ew. But alright, cornflakes it is! She says she can make it herself so I let her go right ahead. She puts the cereal in a bowl, dumps milk powder on it, and THEN pumps water into the bowl. Not the traditional order, but hey… We manage to get it to a decent-ish consistency and she finishes the whole bowl just as I find leftover rice and beans in the fridge. I know what I’m having for lunch! She of course wants some too, so I heat it up and make plates for her, me, and Baby J. OMG I think this is my first mention of Baby J. His actual name is Jesulo and he is the COOLEST baby. Megan took in he and his mother, Darleen about a month ago. He was extremely sick and malnourished and they had nowhere else to go. But now he is healthy and beautiful and SUCH a happy little toddler. I love this kid.
Baby J and I playing pretty princesses!
So the three of us go out to the front balcony to have lunch. Micha and I spend half of our lunch trying to coax Baby J into sitting down and eating his r&b, but he is just interested in doing so many other things. Finally, he squats into a little perch (which is totally a normal way for a kid to sit here) and looks like he’s about to eat. Oh, but instead of eating, he just takes a big tinkle right there on the balcony!! “Katine! BABY J IS PEE-PEEING!” Yells Micha. I freak out and then we both erupt in laughter. Micha runs to the sliding door and closes it to quarantine the little stinker outside while I pull off his pee-pee undies. (I neglected to mention that this is the SECOND time he peed on the floor today. Earlier he took a tinkle in Megan’s room right next to the bed…) I throw down his wet britches and run inside to grab Wet-Ones and start wiping him down. Then I grab his undies and run out to the back balcony where Darleen is doing laundry in the yard. Micha yells down to her that Baby J just peed and needs his britches cleaned. So Darleen strolls over and I toss them down to her. She casually catches his pee-pee britches in her hand like it ain’t no thing and brings them over to wash. I try not to die laughing so I can grab the necessary supplies to clean up the puddle. Micha, the other half of operation clean-the-pee-pee takes Baby J downstairs while I soak up his pee in some napkins, half laughing and half gagging. This is so gross; ugh, children. A Clorox wipe finishes the job and Micha and I get back to our nice r&b lunch.
Michaelle and I at the zoo party. 
I really enjoy spending time with Micha. Her English is so good now that we can actually TALK to each other. Like really talk. After lunch we do some coloring and she teaches me the names of fruit in Creole. Then, unfortunately, I have to tear myself away and actually get some work done. I almost completely finish the revisions to my proposal, but we haven’t had power in 2 days so my computer dies. (Luckily power finally came on later in the evening.) I really enjoyed my afternoon with Micha though. She is a special kid and I am very proud to be her (pseudo) aunt.

The other HUGE event of the day was that the piece of wood that has been stuck inside my toe since my December trip (see blog entitled “Well That was Fast”) and has been slowly surfacing ever since finally came out this evening!! We were up worshipping on the mountain with the team when I got a little distracted for a moment picking at my toe... and, low and behold, it spit out this huge splinter! Man, that sucker took its dear sweet time exiting my body. I put it into a necklace that Sophie’s artisans made so that I can keep it forever. I just feel it’s a sentimental piece of memorabilia - a little piece of Haiti I carried around with me in Austin that just couldn’t come out until I made it back to the island. Special, no?
My Special Splinter displayed on this love necklace by Haiti's Jewels.
(Good press, eh Sophie?)

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